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Oregon Grape Root Tincture - 2oz Bottle

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Oregon Grape Root Tincture - 2oz Bottle


“Oregon Grape is known in the Spanish-American tradition as Yerba de La Sangre, “herb of the blood”, indicating it’s widespread use as a blood purifier. Tonics made from the Oregon Grape were first introduced in the late 1800s, when the herb was listed in official Pharmacopeias. It is considered an excellent blood purifier. Oregon Grape, a good source of berberine which is one of the active principles in goldenseal, has an anti-inflammatory effect, is a bitter and stimulates the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, as well as the production of digestive and liver secretions. It stimulates bile secretions, promotes liver function and also it is a purifier of the blood, spleen and lymphatics. Oregon grape aids in the assimilation of nutrients, with its cleansing properties. It is a tonic for all the glands and can be substituted for goldenseal. 

•Oregon grape is an excellent liver organ cleanser, with the ability to release stored iron into the bloodstream to help maintain a good supply of hemoglobin in the blood to maintain its healthy function and to maintain a healthy immune system. Because of its ability to release iron stored in the liver, it works very similar to yellowdock in treating anemia, but this is not because of its significant presence of iron in the plant as in yellowdock. 

•Herbalist have rightly held that pure blood will maintain disease free living. 

•It influences the kidneys with its anti-septic qualities and can also be used as a douche. •As a stimulator of the liver and gallbladder, Oregon Grape helps to overcome constipation. 

•Oregon Grape root is very similar to barberry in it’s action, but it also has a stimulating effect on the thyroid. 

•Unlike any other herb known, Oregon grape has what seems like an almost direct effect on the skin it has been used to restore the complexion of the skin to a smooth, clear velvet like texture, following any kind of skin disease or other illness that may have dried out the skin or produced sores. 

•Because Oregon grape where it works to cleanse the blood vascular system it has been beneficial as a tonic for all glands.” "The Little Herb Encyclopedia” by Jack Ritchason

Traditional Dosage 1 dropperful 2-4 x per day

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